In December, Child Evangelism Fellowship of the Greater Raleigh Area hosts 10-12 Christmas Party Clubs for families in need in local neighborhoods.

We arrive with a trailer of "Joy Toys", a portable "shopping" experience for parents. These “Joy Toys” are donated to CEF Raleigh through our local Ministry Partners. These toys bring JOY to close to 1,000 children every year!

The families listen to a Christmas Story and then while the parents are "shopping" (free of charge to them) for toys for their children for Christmas, the children have a snack time with beverage, Christmas snack cake and candy cane.

If you are interested in collecting donations, please complete the interest form below and our office will get back to you about how you can have a “Joy Toy” Drive!

(The “Joy Toy” Drives are normally held in the month of November and we arrange pickup during the first week in December)

I want more information on how to Host a Joy Toy Drive!

We rely on generous people within our community to donate new toys and books for children during our annual Christmas Parties and Joy Toy distribution!